Cost of Living for International Students in the United Kingdom

Cost of Living:

The cost of living in UK varies depending on what part of the country you live in.

If, as a student, you decide to live in London, you will be paying much more than you would in other parts of the country.

If you choose to study:

Within London: GBP11,385 per 9 months

Outside London: GBP9,135 per 9 months


Below is a basic breakdown for your living expenses in the UK (by month), roughly based on a major city (except London)

Hall rent: GBP400 to GBP800

Food: GBP 210

Transport: GBP80

Leisure: GBP170

Books/ Stationery: GBP40

Mobile Phone: GBP30



Dining - You are not going to get a plate of Chicken Rice at $3.50 anywhere in the UK.  The average meal at a chain restaurant costs about GBP10 for food and drinks, while the mid-range restaurants charge about GBP15 - GBP20 for the same.

Takeaways - Probably a student's best meals costings GBP2 - 5 for a kebab or a burger.

Come Budgeting - Nothing beats cooking a self-prepared meal.


Typical Shopping List:

Average Costs -

Pizza (Small): GBp2.50

Soft Drink: GBP1 per can

Wine: GBP6 per bottle

Beer: GBP1 per can

Rice (1 Kg): GBP1.10

Bread (Loaf): GBP1.10

Beef Mince (500g): GBP2.20

Chicken Breast (2/Pack): GBP2

Apples (5/ pack): GBP2

Bananas (5/ pack): GBP1

Tuition Fees:

Tuition Fees differ from institution to institution and even a bit from year to year.  Below is an average per calendar year.

Classroom (e.g. Arts, Social Sciences, Business): GBP10,000 - GBP19,000

Laboratory (e.g. Sciences, Engineering): GBP12,500 - GBP22,000

Clinical (e.g. Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary): GBP18,000 - GBP40,000

Disclaimer: All costs are estimated for reference only, so do not base everything on this.

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