Cost of living in United States for international students

Cost of Living for International Students in the US. Estimated living cost for the US is around $10000 to$12000 per year, which averages around $700 to$1000 per month. This includes your accommodation costs, room, and board, food, travel, textbooks, weather appropriate clothing and entertainment expenses as well.

Estimated living cost for the US is around $10000 to $12000 per year, which averages around $700 to $1000 per month. This includes your accommodation costs, room, and board, food, travel, textbooks, weather appropriate clothing and entertainment expenses as well.

Here is a range of costs that have been considered while estimating the living expenses-

Books and study material costs around $500 to $1000 per year
Travel costs within the US will be from $300 to $700
Accommodation will cost between $5000 and $7500 per year
For living off campus, the cost of renting an apartment will be between $300 and $600 a month but could be higher depending on the location of the school.
Meals should cost around $2500 a year if you do not eat out too many times
Shopping for clothes will cost more than $500 annually if you are in a cold country
Personal and variable expenses will be around $2000 per year


Note: These amounts will differ from state to state within the US

Cost of Attendance:

Public Universities (USD) 20,000 to 35,000

Private Universities (USD) 35,000 to 60,000

Room and Board (USD) 14,000 to 20,000





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